ARC Vendor ID Lookup

This form can be used to search for a Vendor ID Number in our Financial System (ARC) for all active Goods & Services Vendors. Please note that Employees will not appear in this list. If you are an Employee looking for your ARC ID Number, please log into ARC to access this information.

The ARC Vendor ID Number is the number that is used in our system for your vendor profile. This number has no significance outside of our system and has no connection to any sensitive identification, including Tax ID and Social Security Numbers.

To find your ARC Vendor ID Number, please enter your Vendor Name or a keyword from your Vendor Name to search our records. All names in our system that match the criteria will be returned. Please note that there may be more than one record with a similar name depending on the different names we have in our system for your organization.

If you have any further questions, please contact the Financial Service Center.